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Reflections of Maria

Personal blog of author Maria Osborne Perry

Friday, December 14, 2007

Upate on my career

For the nice people who have emailed asking where they can find information about my upcoming releases from Kensington/Aphrodisia, here you go:
I haven't posted in a long while here as I've been busy with projects written under my old pen name. As my stat counter lets me know that a lot of people arrive here searching for information about Hill & Hill, I thought this a good time to post an update about my career:

Some weeks ago I was offered two contracts by Kensington publishing house for their Erotic Romance line, Aphrodisia. (Yes, this is the same Kensington that Christopher Hill pretended to be working with on my behalf.) My books are scheduled for release in 2009 (I am writing them under a new pseudonym).

I am so very happy at this time in my life! It took many years to get where I wanted, and more headaches than I can describe. The dream of being published by a real, traditional publisher is one that requires much patience -and perhaps a little insanity, too LOL. I'm just grateful to the folks who helped me along with encouragement and the prodding works, "don't give up." For those people who were in the same "Hill & Hill" boat as I was, please DO NOT GIVE UP! Have faith, do the work and cherish what you create. I look back at the Christopher Hill ordeal as one of the dues I had to pay. But now I can think about that schemer and with much joy give him the raspberry. I'm here, boy-howdy, despite him and the frustration he dished out in his crafty ways. So kiss my tush, Christopher, wherever you are -and I look forward to you one day having to kiss the tushes of everyone you lied to!


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